Frequency to Wavelength Conversion
Enter Frequency
Select Dimension
KHz Hz
Apply Velocity Factor ?
No Yes
Use this Velocity Factor >
RG-59,VF=0.66, 75Ω
RG-59/U Foam, VF=0.79, 75Ω
RG-11/U, VF=0.66, 75Ω
RG-11/U Foam, VF=0.80, 75Ω
RG-6, VF=0.75, 75Ω
RG-58, VF=0.66, 50Ω
RG-8, VF=0.66, 50Ω
RG-8x, VF=0.75, 50Ω
RG-8/U Foam, VF=0.80, 50Ω
RG-213, VF=0.66, 50Ω
Conversion Equation
Output Fractional Wavelengths
1/8 λ
3/8 λ
5/8 λ
3/4 λ
7/8 λ

This calculator is used to convert Frequency to Wavelength. A Velocity Factor can be applied if you are working with coaxial cables. Use is pretty straight forward.

  1. Enter the Frequency to be converted
  2. Select the Frequency value's Dimension
  3. Select whether a Velocity Factor applies
    • Yes - Enter the Velocity Factor or, select one of the Coaxial Cable entries.
    • No - Default, No Velocity Factor applied.
In the Output area, Quarter-Wave, Half-Wave, and Full-Wave dimensions are listed in Metric, US/Imperial Feet-Inches, and US/Imperial Inches. Fractional Wavelengths area, can be also selected. It's dimensions are also listed in Metric, US/Imperial Feet-Inches, and US/Imperial Inches.

Coaxial Cable data from
Coaxial Cable - Wikipedia